short summer abstract nails

short summer abstract nails

Short Summer Abstract Nails: A Guide to Modern Nail Art

Hey there, readers! Summer is in full swing, and it’s time to refresh your nails with some stunning abstract designs that are trendy and eye-catching. Whether you prefer bold colors or subtle patterns, short summer abstract nails are the perfect way to add a touch of creativity to your look.

Vibrant Hues and Geometric Shapes

Abstract nail art is all about playing with shapes, colors, and textures to create unique and artistic designs. For short summer abstract nails, opt for vibrant hues that pop against sun-kissed skin, such as neon pinks, turquoise, or coral. Geometric shapes are a popular motif in abstract nail art. You can create sharp angles, stripes, or even tiny triangles to add a modern touch to your mani.

Delicate Patterns and Pastel Shades

If you prefer a more subtle approach to short summer abstract nails, try delicate patterns and pastel shades. Soft pinks, lavenders, and greens create a dreamy and ethereal look. You can use a thin nail art brush to create intricate lacework, florals, or abstract swirls. A touch of glitter or metallic accents can add a touch of sparkle.

Negative Space and Bold Strokes

Negative space is a clever technique used in abstract nail art to create the illusion of depth and dimension. Leave certain areas of your nail bare to create a contrast with the painted sections. This allows the natural texture of your nail to shine through, adding an element of interest to your design. Pair negative space with bold strokes of contrasting colors to create a striking and unique look.

Nail Shape Design Colors Textures
Short and Squoval Geometric shapes Neon pink, turquoise Matte and glossy
Short and Almond Delicate lacework Pastel lavender, white Shimmering glitter
Short and Round Negative space with bold strokes Coral, black Glossy and metallic
Short and Coffin Abstract swirls Soft green, white Holographic accents
Short and Stiletto Chevron stripes Yellow, blue Matte and glossy

Experiment with Textures and Finishes

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different textures and finishes to create unique and memorable short summer abstract nails. Matte finishes add a sophisticated touch, while glossy finishes create a high-impact shine. You can also add holographic or iridescent accents to give your nails a touch of magic.

Embrace the Summer Vibe

When creating short summer abstract nails, embrace the carefree and vibrant spirit of the season. Use bright colors that evoke the warmth of the sun, such as yellow, orange, or pink. Incorporate motifs that remind you of the beach, such as palm trees, waves, or seashells.


Short summer abstract nails are a fantastic way to express your creativity and embrace the beauty of the season. With endless possibilities for shapes, colors, and textures, you can create unique and eye-catching designs that perfectly complement your summer wardrobe. For more nail art inspiration and tutorials, check out our other articles on the blog!

FAQ about Short Summer Abstract Nails

What are short summer abstract nails?

Abstract nails are designs that incorporate non-representational elements, such as lines, shapes, and colors. Short summer abstract nails are a trendy and fun way to show off your personal style during the warmer months.

Some popular short summer abstract nail designs include:

  • Geometric shapes: Triangles, squares, and circles are popular geometric shapes to use in abstract nail designs.
  • Lines: Lines can be used to create stripes, zigzags, and other patterns.
  • Colors: Bright and bold colors are popular for summer abstract nails.

How do I create short summer abstract nails?

You can create short summer abstract nails using a variety of techniques, such as:

  • Nail polish: You can use different colors and patterns of nail polish to create abstract designs.
  • Nail art brushes: Nail art brushes can be used to create fine lines and details in your designs.
  • Stencils: Stencils can be used to create more precise designs.

What are some tips for creating short summer abstract nails?

Here are a few tips for creating short summer abstract nails:

  • Use a base coat: A base coat will help your nail polish adhere better and prevent staining.
  • Be patient: Abstract nails can take some time to create, so be patient and don’t get discouraged.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and techniques to find what you like best.

Some summer abstract nail trends to watch for in 2023 include:

  • Neon colors: Neon colors are a popular trend for summer 2023, and they can be used to create bold and eye-catching abstract designs.
  • Metallic accents: Metallic accents can add a touch of glamour to your abstract nails.
  • Negative space: Negative space is the area of your nails that is left unpainted. It can be used to create interesting and unique designs.

How do I remove short summer abstract nails?

To remove short summer abstract nails, you can use a regular nail polish remover. Be sure to use a cotton ball or pad that is soaked in nail polish remover, and gently wipe the polish off your nails.

How long do short summer abstract nails last?

Short summer abstract nails can last for up to two weeks, depending on how well you take care of them. To extend the life of your nails, avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents, and wear gloves when doing chores.

What are some short summer abstract nail ideas for beginners?

If you’re a beginner, here are a few short summer abstract nail ideas to try:

  • Stripes: Use different colors of nail polish to create stripes on your nails.
  • Dots: Use a dotting tool or a toothpick to create dots on your nails.
  • Shapes: Use nail art brushes to create simple shapes, such as triangles, squares, and circles.

Where can I find inspiration for short summer abstract nails?

You can find inspiration for short summer abstract nails on social media, nail art blogs, and magazines.
